Another One Bites the Dust

I do really well when it comes to censoring myself in front of others. I have the patience of a saint and will do just about anything for anyone. But when patience has run out, it should be considered doomsday for just about anyone involved.

We had this employee who got terminated today. And man, was she a trip… Her interview went well, answered questions well….but when it came to training, she missed at least a day and a half, but she had done enough of the training and enough shadowing hours to go into census at a PRTF. What we didn’t realize when she was first hired was that she was essentially deaf. At a PRTF, we rely heavily on being able to keep sight and sound on our kiddos for their safety and for hours. Our heads have to be on a swivel.

She tried to deny it at first. And then she came in with a hearing aide and relied heavily on reading our lips. She was dumber than a box of rocks, honestly, even if she HAD been able to hear us. She couldn’t perform her job duties, was refusing to comply with company policy, and when she got called out on it….well, saying that she didn’t take responsibility was putting it kindly.

She was coached by my supervisor and me. She was informed she HAS to follow kids’ safety plans, she HAS to wear her hearing aide, etc.

A week later, I found out she hadn’t completed her paperwork when working in another residence. So I told her she HAD to stay late to complete it as it is company policy all paperwork be completed before leaving for the evening. So she stayed. Every time she asked for my help, she expected me to drop everything I was doing to help her with the paperwork. She became really rude and insubordinate about it too. The FIFTH time she demanded my help (demanding is putting it nicely, yet again), she said to me, “I know you don’t like me. But this needs to get done.” Ya think??!!! So I helped her, she finished and then went on her merry way.

Well, I ended up having to write a hell of a report. I not only had to pass along my own observations but my employees’ complaints as well as the kids we care after. It was a lengthy list. Considering the fact she had already been coached, was still in her first 30 days, was missing training which she was making absolutely NO effort to complete… well HR said she needed to be terminated. At OUR PRTF, we do actual exit interviews.

So when she came in to work today (an hour late), she was told that my supervisor and her needed to meet for a meeting. She completely ignored me, looked at my fellow assistant manager and said, “Well, it was nice knowing you.” Then she said to our supervisor, “Am I being fired? We don’t need to do this. I will just go home.” My supervisor said, “No, we DO need to do this, and we will.”

Apparently, the exit interview didn’t go well. My supervisor and our head supervisor both brought a copy of MY report on her with my name blacked out to the exit interview. You know what she told them??? “Whoever sent that report is a bold faced liar.” (Honestly, I cracked up when I was told about this. Lying is one of my pet peeves, and I refuse to do so, especially at work when it comes to our kids’ safety, even if it were to save my own ass. I have learned it’s much better to turn myself in than to have someone else turn me in.) So after that, she became belligerent and was refusing to accept ANY responsibility for her own actions. It was SO bad in fact, the head supervisor had to shut it down and said, “This is done. You are done.”

So long story short. Bad employee, fired employee. When our kids are at risk, you aren’t a good fit.

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